marți, 5 martie 2013

O noua comanda ELF

In sfarsit am apucat sa fac o noua comanda ELF, nici de data asta nu a fost prea mare, initial am fost super suparata ca nu au adus oje in stoc... (implict oja care mi-o doream, care era singura care nu mai exista pe stoc :)) v-am povestit despre asta aici ) asa ca renuntasem la ideea de a mai da comanda prea curand. Insa am cedat cand a aparut oferta cu kitul pentru ochi gratuit la comanda minima de 50 lei :D
Finally I took the time to place another ELF order, was no big deal this time either, initially I was really upset that they didn't bring the nailpolishes in stock... (including the one that I wanted, which was the only one that wasn't on stock :)) I told you all about it here ) so I had given up on the idea of placing another order too soon. But I gave in when I saw the offer with the free eye kit when ordering for a minimum amount of 50 RON :D

Insa mi-am cumparat o alta oja, Fire Coral, care merge de minune cu rujul meu corai de la Flormar :)
But I bought another nailpolish, Fire Coral, which goes very nicely with my coral lipstick from Flormar :)

Mda... inca nu am camera foto, deci e facuta cu iPhone-ul, care, nu scoate pozele prea bine si mai ales nu surprinde nuanta reala. Din acest motiv nu fac poze la machiaje, si eu ard de nerabdare sa postez machiaje :(
Nuantele reale sunt usor spre orange -> corai.
Meh... I still don't own a camera, so this pic is taken with my iPhone, which, doesn't catch the true colors and shades. This is why I don't do pics of my make-up looks, and I am really anxious to post looks :( The true shades are slightly orange -> coral.

Am gasit si o poza pe google images cu nuanta reala (nuanta rujului e mentionata in poza):
I found a pic on google images that shows the true shade (the lipstick tint number is mentioned in the pic):

Se vede clar diferenta :(
You can clearly see the difference :(

Aici nuanta rujului e surprinsa putin mai bine, insa nuanta unghiilor pare mai rece, mai spre rosu obisnuit :-L
Here you can see that the shade of the lipstick is captured slightly better, yet the shade of the nails seem cooler, more of a regular red :-L

Moving on, mi-am luat exfoliatorul de buze mult-dorit:D E atat de yuuuuuuuuuuuummy, il ador! Are un miros si un gust demential, si e super eficient! Iubitul meu avea buzele super uscate, i se inrosisera chiar de la vantul puternic de afara si dupa ce l-a folosit ieri dupaamiaza, azi buzele lui sunt muuult mai ok. Chiar e super impresionat, nu-i vine sa creada ca exista produs cosmetic care chiar sa-si faca treaba:)) 
Moving on, I bought the oh so wanted lip exfoliator :D It's so yuuuuuuuummy, I love it! It has an incredible smell and a die for taste, and it's super efficient! My boyfriend had super dry lips, they had gotten really red from the nasty wind outside and after using it yesterday afternoon, today his lips are a lot better. He's really impressed, he can't believe that there are actually products that really do what they're meant for :))


Mi-am luat un primer (cel alb-transparent-perlat-whatever), celalalt a venit in kit.
I bought a primer (the white-transparent-pearly-whatever one), the other came with the kit.

Nu sunt foarte sigura care e diferenta dintre cele doua, nu am apucat sa le testez. De aia am si comandat unul diferit fata de cel care am vazut ca va veni in kit. Oricum, primerul de la ELF este un produs atat de super laudat pe blogosfera incat ma simteam chiar aiurea stiind ca el nu il am. Mai ales dupa ce am luat creionul jumbo de la NYX ca mai apoi sa aflu ca doar intensifica culoarea, dar nu are si rol de primer. Din fericire, am inteles ca, combinate, cele doua produse fac minuni:D
I'm not really sure what's the actual difference between the two of them, haven't gotten the chance to put them to the test yet. That's why I bought a different one from the one I saw would come with the kit. Anyway, the ELF primer is such a highly appreciated product on the blogosphere that I was feeling a bit odd to know I didn't own one. Especially after I bought the NYX jumbo pencil, just to learn that it only intensifies the color, but doesn't work as a primer. Luckily, I learned that, combined, the two create wonders :D

Am mai primit un rimel foarte interesant, periuta e buna, la fel si consistenta. Sunt multumita de el, dupa doar o utilizare! Eu am o periuta super buna pentru genele mele, pastrata de la un rimel bio de la Benecos, pe care o spal dupa fiecare utilizare si o folosesc la orice rimel. Nu stiu sigur daca am sa uit de ea o vreme, dar probabil ca voi mai folosi periuta asta noua o vreme, cateva zile:D
I also received an interesting mascara, the brush is good, so is the consistency. I'm pleased with it, after just one try! I have a brush  that is super effective for my lashes, I kept it from an old bio mascara from Benecos, which I clean after each use and I use it with any mascara. I'm not sure if I'm gonna forget about it for a while, but I will probably use this new one for a few days :D


Am primit si un creion dermatograf pe care nu stiu cat am sa-l folosesc. Nu prea folosesc asa ceva, eyeliner-ul e sfant pt mine :D Desi era o vreme cand nu foloseam deloc eyeliner, ci numai creion. 
I also received an eye pencil which I'm not sure whether I'm going to use or not. I don't really use eye pencils, eyeliners are the thing for me :D Although there used to be a time when I wouldn't use eyeliners at all, just eye pencils.

Am primit si o paleta mica de 6 colori simpatice. Nu sunt sigura cat de pigmentate sunt, dar din swatchurile pe care le-am facut pe degete nu parea cine stie ce... Si o pensula pentru blending pe care NU o recomand... naparleste ingrozitor. Nici nu m-am mai obosit sa-i fac poza. Si un aplicator dublu cu bureti... N-am sa-l folosesc. Mai ales ca paleta are deja un aplicator mai bun, nu prea inteleg de ce au adaugat si aplicatorul. Ca sa fie 5 probabil :\
I also received a mini palette of 6 cute colors. I'm not sure how pigmented they are, but judging by the swatches I made with my fingers it didn't seem like much... And a blending brush which I DO NOT recommend... it loses hairs awfully. I didn't even bother taking a picture of it. And a double sponge applicator ... I'm not going to use it. Especially because the palette has a better applicator, I'm not sure why they added the applicator. So there would be 5 items, probably :\

Cam asta e. Inafara pensulei si a aplicatorului sunt multumita de toate produsele! Cu siguranta voi mai comanda de la ELF, mai am produse pe wishlist, noi adaugate :D Mi se pare ca raportul calitate-pret este unul foarte bun! 
That's about it. Aside from the brush and the double applicator I'm pleased with all the products! I'll surely order again from ELF, I have other products on my wishlist, newly added :D I think that the cost-efficient ratio is pretty good!

Voi ce produse v-ati mai comandat la ELF, ce imi recomandati? :)
What products have you ordered from ELF, what do you recommend me? :)

6 comentarii:

  1. hmm...exfoliatorul de buze mi se pare foarte intersant , toate produsele sunt foarte dragute, sa le folosesti cu placere ~♡

  2. merci frumos! :) ti-l recomand, e super, dar beware, e cam addictive :D

  3. Of m-a cam furat timpul si trec de la postare la postare de a ta fara sa mai apuc sa iti mai comentez ca sunt chestii ce le avem in comun si care imi plac si alte chestii ce le ai tu si ma faci intr-un fel sa le am si eu...:( Stai sa vad daca sunt la postarea corecta...Da,aici la exfoliator ,il stiu si il iubesc de imi vine sa-l mananc :P,iar cat despre primere sunt preferatele mele si merg si in cazul meu foarte bine in comparatie cu jumbo Nyx :) Te-am pupat ,insa sa stii ca chiar daca nu iti comentez ,eu te citesc :)

  4. multumesc frumos draga mea, sa stii ca si eu la fel te citesc si chiar daca nu apuc sa comentez apreciez tare mult postarile tale !! :*

  5. niciodata sa nu generalizezi ... eu am pensula de blending .. defapt am multe produse si pensule de la ELF si sa stii ca a mea nu a "naparlit" deloc .. poate ai prins un stoc mai nasol .. dar nu inseamna ca toata lumea va pati la fel ca tine :P e cea mai buna pensula de blending pe care o am defapt :D

    1. sa stii ca dupa primele doua spalari a incetat si a mea sa mai naparleasca :)) pana la urma ma impac cu ea, insa tot mi se pare cam aspra



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